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Tools and techniques used


Individual therapy : My sessions are conducted in a holistic way. It means that I am helping my patients to rebalance physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically. That's why I am mixing different therapy techniques (coaching & emotional Freedom techniques) and energy healing.

When I have clients, I ask them to talk to me about a problem they would like to work on and I am using various tools and techniques (such as coaching, energy healing or emotional freedom techniques) to guide them towards more well-being, their own solutions and insights. With coaching, I also help them discover their needs and values in order to align with who they really are. Then, I give Bach flowers to help them rebalance emotionally if needed.

Through these techniques and by connecting my patients, I try to help them (re)connect with themselves and their joy, rebalance and free themselves step by step from their wounds, sufferings and memories (whether it is personal, transgenerational ou karmic). Indeed, we are also sometimes conditioned by the traumatic memories of our ancestors.

I don't do the work for my patients but I guide them with my tools and hand them over to them when I can so that they can do it at home. 

I think it is by doing this type of "inner journey" (by doing therapy or with other methods and experiences) that an individual can free himself from his mental blocks, realize himself, take the best decisions for him and expand on his life path. 

Finally, it happens that people arrive with physical pain and that energy healing relieves them but I am not replacing medecine.

Couple therapy sessions are conducted in several steps: finding out what you want to work on, what you would like to change and the state you would like to reach, awareness and work on the obstacles that prevent you from being in serenity (through Bach flowers and possible exercises,in particular to communicate more peacefully) and finally, coaching towards a more balanced relationship where everyone can be themselves, be understood by the other while finding compromises.

  • Coaching: Coaching is a goal-oriented therapy method that helps you to achieve your goals (professionally, relationally or personally) when you are going through a difficulty or a challenge and that you need to be guided. A life coach helps people reconnect with themselves so they can find their own solutions. I am doing so by also helping you reaching those goals with all of my tools and techniques.

  • Bach flowers:  Bach flowers are flower elixirs that help you regain both emotional and physical balance. Doctor Bach grouped together 38 flowers that he discovered, each of them corresponds to an emotional state to be rebalanced.
    Sometimes, I recommend and provide you with certain flowers according to your difficulty in accordance with the method of Doctor Edward Bach.

  • Emotional management: I teach you a technique to connect to your body and your emotions and to welcome them in order to rebalance yourself and free yourself  from traumatic memories.
    Moreover, with the NVC (Nonviolent Communication), I teach you to explore yourself from within and to connect to your emotions and needs in order to help you in your relationships with others. 

  • EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique): EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is a psycho-energetic practice of releasing emotions that uses Chinese energy meridians. In this sense, it is a technique that is based on certain principles from acupuncture and EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing).

  • Logosynthesis: Logosynthesis uses the creative power of words to generate change.

  • Ho'oponopono: Hawaiian ritual of forgiveness and reconciliation that allows us to free ourselves from the emotions that condition our reactions and behaviors. 

  • The TAT (Tapas Acupressure Technique):  Psycho-Energetic tool that combines light contact on a few accu-pressure areas located on the head and the attention to a problem. It is used among other things to put an end to traumas.

  • Cellular & organs memories with among others the chinese medicine (acupuncture points in acupressure on meridians) and Japanese (Jin Shin Jyutsu), the symbolism of our systems, etc. 

  • Energy Cleansing and Realignment: Energy healing that helps you rebalance yourself on the physical, emotional, mental and energetic levels.

  • Connection to your "inner healer": Tool to connect to your own resources to create well-being!

  • ... (non-exhaustive list)

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