Personal Transformation Coach
Coaching, Emotional Freedom techniques & Energy healing (individual and couple therapy)
Personal Transformation Coach & energy healer, I am doing individual coaching & therapy sessions with a spiritual & holistic approach and couple therapy (in French or in English). My goal is to guide you towards personal, relational and/or professional fulfillment in order to find back a state of serenity in your life. With individual therapy, I am supporting you to free yourself from recurrent patterns and suffering and towards a reconnection to yourself and your joy in different steps with various techniques like coaching and (psycho)energetic tools.
The couple therapy sessions consist above all in helping you to have a more fulfilling relationship where both can be themselves and be understood by the other while finding compromises to aim for a more harmonious relationship. I am also guiding you to find solutions to the potential obstacles and conflicts.
"Every human is an artist. The dream of your life is to make beautiful art."
Don Miguel Ruiz
Spiritual healing occurs as we begin to consciously reconnect with our essential being – the wise, loving, powerful, creative entity that we are at our core. Shakti Gawain
"Dream it, wish it, do it."
Walt Disney
Type of therapy (individual/couple)
Individual therapy:
Coaching with a spiritual and psycho-energetic approach
I am performing coaching sessions with a spiritual approach in order to help you find a state of serenity in your life and thus make the best choices to build a life in alignement with who you really are!
To do this, I am guiding you to explore yourself from within, to release the traumas and wounds that are limiting you (including the transgenerational & karmic ones) and to realign to yourselves, your strength and your needs. It is carried out in different phases and I use tools and techniques such as coaching and energy healing. Sometimes we need guidance when we're in the dark and don't know how to move forward. So, I am inviting you to do it- by exploring yourself from the inside to expand and blossom afterwards in the outside!
Tools : Coaching, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Bach Flowers, Cleansing and energy realignment, Chinese Medicine (acupressure points on meridians),...
Coaching and therapy for couples
The sessions that I offer to couples are mainly aimed to find better bases where everyone can find their way and (re)learn to communicate well (thanks, among other things, to non-violent communication). They also aim to find solutions to conflicts that you might have.
I am doing coaching sessions towards your own solutions as individuals and as a couple. The goal is to find a relationship balance where everyone can be themselves, be understood by the other while making compromises to aim for a more harmonious relationship which takes into account everyone's needs. It is also t
I can also alternate those sessions with individual sessions so that everyone can work on themselves on top of working as a couple. Indeed, the other can sometimes represent a mirror of certain sufferings and a couple can evolve together and better understand themselves and free themselves from potential patterns.
"I found Oriane's services very enriching and very equipped, she really listens to what we need and manages to connect to what we really need. A mobilizing guidance, but necessary to reconnect with yourself and find your way."
Paloma, 25, Psychologist, Brussels
"She guided me gently and in all benevolence... she helped me see new perspectives (…). Intuitive, she knew how to use the tools I needed at that time. (…) She revealed me to myself as no one had ever done. (...)"
Val, 50, Nurse & Life Coach, Brussels
"Life coaching sessions with Oriane helped me to get out the dark hole I was in. Her passionate and energetic approach helped me shift my mindset from a downward spiral to a permanent state of "crushing it (...)".
Max, 33 years old, Entrepreneur, Brussels
Oriane's universe was a discovery that brought me a lot. Mixing introspective work, awareness, well-being, spirituality... Each new session allowed me to discover myself a little more and help me consider certain situations with a new point of view. (...) I really recommend. (...)
Flo, 35, Communication officer, Brussels