Personal Transformation Coach
Coaching, Emotional Freedom techniques & Energy healing (individual and couple therapy)
Personal Transformation Coach, I am doing goal oriented individual and couple therapy sessions with a holistic approach. For my individual sessions, I am using coaching and emotional freedom techniques as well as energy healing to support you towards more serenity in your personal, relational and professional life. Then, couple therapy consists of coaching sessions in order to find more serenity in your couple where everyone can find their way. These sessions can be supplemented by individual sessions.
Kind of support
Individual therapy: my sessions are holistic. It means that you can be impacted in different levels when you are facing difficulties. Therefore, I am helping you rebalance on the physical, mental, emotional and energetic level. That's why I am using different techniques (Emotional Freedom Techniques, Chinese Medecine, Energy Healing and Bach Flowers) to help you rebalance to a state of serenity. Then, I am using coaching to guide you towards a more aligned life personnally, professionally and relationnally. I am doing that by helping you reconnect to yourself and to your needs.
Couple therapy: my sessions consist above all in helping you to have a more balanced relationship where both can be themselves and be understood by the other while finding compromises to aim for a more harmonious relationship. I am also guiding you to find solutions to the potential obstacles and conflicts.
Who am I ?
My name is Oriane, I am from Verviers in Belgium and I am 33 years old. Among other things, I am passionate about humans, the discovery of new cultures & people, personal development and the transmission of my passions.
I have always had a great interest in psychology and spirituality, asking myself many questions about humans and how they function, the world, our existence and human relationships. After being immersed for several years in personal development and having done different kinds of therapies and experiences in the field, I trained in Life Coaching, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Energy Healing as well as intuitive Chamanism, wishing to guide individuals and pass them on the knowledge I have acquired.
Indeed, I like to use my experiences and learning to help others. If everyone could find their place and be more fulfilled personally, professionally and relationally in society, I think we could live in a much more harmonious world! And what a joy to help my clients find more serenity, even if the journey towards it can sometimes be confronting. It is for this reason that I trained and that I continue to do so, in order to always develop myself to support my clients in the best possible way with a method and tools adapted to their needs.
Thus, it is with pleasure that I guide my clients towards a global well-being on their life path and in their relationships!